
8.4.2 Opening favourites
Press [memory] to open the overview window with the list
of favourite stations.
Use [enter/navigate] to select one of your favourites.
Favourites cannot be deleted.
If all 10 station memory slots are lled and you wish to
save anew station, choose one of the occupied slots.
The station in this slot will be overwritten with the new
8.4.3 Managing favourites with the remote control
Favourites 1-10
The included remote control has number keys
from 1to0(0 10). Each of these number keys can be
assigned with afavourite (for each reception mode).
To save astation, press and hold the corresponding
number key on the remote control (approx. three
The radio conrms that the favourite has been saved with
the message Saved on the display.
To call the favourite again, brieypress the
corresponding number key on the remote control.
Favourites 1–30 (alternative to number buttons)
To storeastation on favourites slots 1to30, press and
hold [FAVORITES] (approx. three seconds). After two
seconds, an overview window with the favourites slots
Use the favourites buttons [+] /[-] (turn [enter/navigate])
to switch between the slots (1 to 30).
Press [OK] ([enter/navigate]) to storethe station in the
desired favourites slot.
To then open the favourites, brieypress [FAVORITES],
use the favourites buttons [+] /[-] (turn [enter/navigate])
to select the desired favourite and conrm your selection
by pressing [OK] ([enter/navigate]).
8.5 Audio settings
Forsome stations with aweak signal, quality can be
improved slightly by playing them in mono. Youcan enable
this function in the menu (Mono only), and the radio
will automatically switch to mono reception when signal
quality is poor.
To change this option, proceed as follows:
Audio setting
9. Auxiliary Input
Youcan use the analogue audio input (AUX IN socket) to
connect mobile devices (for example, smartphone, tablet
PC, MP3 player,etc.) to the radio and play your audio les
using the radio.
Enable AUX operating mode on the radio by repeatedly
pressing [mode]:
Alternatively,press [AUX] on the remote control
to switch to this operating mode directly.
Connect your mobile device to the audio input (AUX IN
socket) of the radio using a3.5 mm audio cable (jack
Start and control audio playback using the controls on
the connected terminal device.