Operation Manual

Turn On And Play
Motor Control Switch
Expression Pedal
Foot Switch
Unlike the piano, the organ does not get louder, the harder you play the keys. The
organ’s volume is controlled by using the expression pedal.
As you depress the pedal forward, the volume rises, and lowers when you return it.
NOTE: You can adjust the curve of the expression pedal. (P. 91)
The Foot Switch, on the left side of the Expression Pedal can be programmed for
various functions. “Leslie Chorale / Tremolo - Alternate” is the factory default.
Every time you depress the Foot Switch, the Leslie changes speed.
NOTE: You can change the Foot Switch assignment. (P. 91)
You can bend the pitch if you operate this switch while playing, same as the START
and RUN switches on the original B-3. While the toggle is at the UP position, the
pitch gradually goes up, and, while at the DOWN position, the pitch gradually
goes down to 2 octaves lower and also the volume gradually gets smaller.
NOTE: You can change the time of the pitch bend. (P. 91)
The original B-3 required a two-step procedure to power up. You would first “start”
the motors by holding the spring-loaded left switch, and after a few seconds, you
would release the “start” switch and turn on the “run” switch. Organists discoverd
that if you engaged the start switch while the organ was running, it would give a
distinctive “pitch bend” to the organ tone. This organ, being totally digital only
needs the power switch, but to remain authentic, the motor control switch is in-
cluded, and the “pitch bend” effect is duplicated.