Operation Manual

Owners Manual
Group Number Description
0 A. Piano 0 Stereo Grand Pf.
Concert grand piano. e maximum sound effect is obtained when connected
0 A. Piano 1 Bright Stereo Grand Pf.
0 A. Piano 2 Mono Grand Pf.
e mono version of above. Use this if connection is monaural. e clumsy
omission” due to the interfering right and left channels is avoided.
0 A. Piano 3 Bright Mono Grand Pf.
0 A. Piano 4 Electric Grand Pf.
Electric grand piano which picks up the string vibration by hammer action. e
following “EQ” means equalized edition.
0 A. Piano 5 Electric Grand Pf. EQ
0 A. Piano 6 Stereo Grand Pf. Pad
e mellow “Pad” sound added on Stereo Grand Pf.
0 A. Piano 7 Electric Grand Pf. Pad
e mellow “Pad” sound added on Electric Grand Pf.
2 E. Piano 0 E. Piano Rd1
Tone-bar electric piano (first edition). e following “Pan”, “Phase”, “OD” are
using each effect.
2 E. Piano 1 EP Rd1 Pan
2 E. Piano 2 EP Rd1 Phase
2 E. Piano 3 EP Rd1 OD
2 E. Piano 4 E. Piano Rd2
Tone-bar electric piano (second edition). e following “Pan”, “Phase”, “OD” are
using each effect.
2 E. Piano 5 EP Rd2 Pan
2 E. Piano 6 EP Rd2 Phase
2 E. Piano 7 EP Rd2 OD
2 E. Piano 8 E. Piano FM
FM synth electric piano. e following “Chorus” is using chorus effect.
2 E. Piano 9 EP FM Chorus
2 E. Piano 10 E. Piano Wur
Reed-driven electric piano. e following “OD” is using overdrive effect.
2 E. Piano 11 EP Wur OD
3 Keyboard 0 Harpsi 8´
Harpsichord. “8´” is normal, “8´ 4´” is in octave unison, “Lute means treble
3 Keyboard 1 Harpsi 8´ 4´
3 Keyboard 2 Harpsi 8´ Lute
3 Keyboard 3 Clav. AC
Electric clavichord. e following “AC”, “AD”, “BC”, “BD” means each pick-up
3 Keyboard 4 Clav. AD
3 Keyboard 5 Clav. BC
3 Keyboard 6 Clav. BD
3 Keyboard 7 Clav. AC Wah
e sound “Clav. AC” - “Clav BD” with “Touch-Wah” effect. Playing harder, the
filter opens wider.
3 Keyboard 8 Clav. AD Wah
3 Keyboard 9 Clav. BC Wah
3 Keyboard 10 Clav. BD Wah
3 Keyboard 11 Clav. AC Cry
e sound “Clav. AC” - “Clav BD” with “Pedal Waheffect. If the expression
pedal is connected, you can get the wah effect with pedal operation.
3 Keyboard 12 Clav. AD Cry
3 Keyboard 13 Clav. BC Cry
3 Keyboard 14 Clav. BD Cry
3 Keyboard 15 Lucy
Simulates an electronic organ, that heard intro. of “Lucy In e...”. e follow-
ing Tremolois added its effect. e effective method is playing arpeggio with
slowly and staccato.
3 Keyboard 16 Lucy Tremolo
3 Keyboard 17 Clavn.
Simulates the electronic violin clavier in 1950’s.
3 Keyboard 18 Dont Run
e reed sound like “Walk, Dont...”.
3 Keyboard 19 Telstar
Simulates the lead sound what used in “Telstar”.
3 Keyboard 20 Blue Star
Simulates an electronic organ, like “Blue Star”.
3 Keyboard 21 Accordion A120 1/0/0
Variations of Suzuki accordion A-120.
3 Keyboard 22 Accordion A120 1/1/0
3 Keyboard 23 Accordion A120 1/0/1
3 Keyboard 24 Accordion A120 1/1/1
3 Keyboard 25 Accordion A120 1/2/0
3 Keyboard 26 Accordion A120 1/2/1
3 Keyboard 27 Accordion A120 0/1/0
3 Keyboard 28 Accordion A120 0/2/0
3 Keyboard 29 Accordion A120 0/1/1
3 Keyboard 30 Accordion A120 0/2/1
3 Keyboard 31 Accordion A120 0/0/1
3 Keyboard 32 Accordion A120 OD
Overdriven accordion.
3 Keyboard 33 Acdn Mellow 0/1/0
Mellow accordion. On “MMM”, you can adjust the beating by the Chorus -
Depth of the Extra Voice effects.
3 Keyboard 34 Acdn Mellow 0/2/0
3 Keyboard 35 Acdn Mellow MMM
3 Keyboard 36 Acdn Bright 0/1/0
Bright accordion. On “MMM”, you can adjust the beating by the Chorus -
Depth of the Extra Voice effects.
3 Keyboard 37 Acdn Bright 0/2/0
3 Keyboard 38 Acdn Bright MMM
4 Wind 0 Trumpet Straight
e instruments following “Wind” group sounds simply. ey does not work
Prochord function.
Trumpet. e following “Straight”, “Vibrato”, “Muted” means each playing
4 Wind 1 Trumpet Vibrato
4 Wind 2 Trumpet Muted
4 Wind 3 Trombone Straight
Trombone. e following “Straight”, “Muted” means each playing method.
4 Wind 4 Trombone Muted