Operation Manual

Turn On and Play
Your performance will be more expressive, if you play on the manual using
the controllers. You will see on this page how to use the controllers generally
used with the electronic musical instruments. (How to use the exclusive
Hammond Organ controllers is shown on the next page.)
This is used to slide the pitch up or down while playing.
The frequency goes up when you move it back, and it goes down when you move
it forward.
When you release your hand from the PITCH BEND wheel, it returns automati-
cally to the center position.
NOTE: You can adjust the value of the pitch bend. (P. 62)
The [MODULATION WHEEL] on the right is not usually used. It is used when
you transmit the modulation information to external MIDI equipments.
Generally, organs can not express dynamics or the velocity of the key touch,
while all the piano can.
However, if you connect the Expression Pedal to the organ, you can express the
velocity, corresponding to the degree of your foot-pressure on the pedal, and add
intonation to make your music more expressive. [The Expression Pedal is to be
separately purchased.]
The volume is loudest when you fully press down by means of your toe, and it is
quietest when you fully press down by means of your heel.
NOTE: Set the parameter at “Expression source” for the model of expres-
sion pedal that you have connected. (P. 64)
This switch is used to operate and control the organ by your foot instead of
pressing various switches by your hand while playing. [The Foot Switch is to be
separately purchased.]
The initial factory assignment is “LESLIE FAST”.
NOTE: You can change the Foot switch assignment. (P. 65)
Fig.: FS-9H (optional)
Fig.: V-20R (optional)