User Manual

5. Key Click
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&' %)L $) 0&-4 &/ 3M-5$4( %)L
.*5% )# $%&' /)K43 &.H3+ #35$&)/ ()* 03'&+3N
The Key click Parameters are 0Patch1 Parameters, they are unique to each Patch. You will need to select the
Patch you wish to adjust the Key click on. If you are using the Adjust Presets, you
will need to select either of
the UPPER ones, and pull the Drawbars to your liking. Play as you adjust to arrive at your desired sound.
Outside of the Adjust Presets, you will need to SAVE your edited Patch. The procedure for doing so is outlined
starting on page 29 of
this Guide.
MENU* - For adjusting Key Click
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