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Issuing date: August 19, 2016
Decomposition Temperature
No data available
Odour Threshold Value
No data available
Evaporation Rate
No data available
Flammability (solid, gas, etc.)
This product is not classified as flammable solid.
10. Stability and reactivity
Chemical stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures.
Possibility of hazardous reactions: If leaked, the electrolyte may react violently with strong oxidizers, mineral acids, strong
alkalis,halogenated hydrocarbons.
Conditions to Avoid: Heating, mechanical abuse and electrical abuse.
Incompatible materials: If leaked, forbidden to contact with strong oxidizers, mineral acids, strong alkalis,halogenated
Hazardous decomposition products: It may release hazardous fume (e.g. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lithium oxide
fumes) from thermal decomposition.
11. Toxicological information
Product Toxicity Data(for contact with leakage from rupture):
Ingredients CAS number LD 50/ LC50
Manganese dioxide 1313-13-9 Acute toxicity (Oral) LD
2,197mg/kg (rat)
Data source: SIDS (2012)
Acute toxicity (Dermal) LD
2,000mg/kg (rabbit)
Data source: SIDS (2012)
Potassium hydroxide 1310-58-3 Acute toxicity (Oral) LD
: 284mg/kg (rat)
Data source: Priority 1
Copper 7440-50-8 Acute toxicity (Oral) LD
2,500mg/kg (rat)
Data source: ECHA Registered substances
Acute toxicity(Dermal) LD
2,000mg/kg (rabbit)
Data source: ECHA Registered substances
Serious eye damage/eye irritation (for contact with leakage from rupture): This product is classified as Category 1.
This product contains potassium hydroxide (CAS: 1310-58-3) (Data source: SIDS (2001)) which is classified as Category 1.
Considering the percentage of this ingredient exceeds the classification criteria, the whole product is classified as Category 1.
Skin corrosion/irritation (for contact with leakage from rupture): This product is classified as Category 1.
This product contains potassium hydroxide (CAS: 1310-58-3) (Data source: SIDS (2001)) which is classified as Category 1.
Considering the percentage of this ingredient exceeds the classification criteria, the whole product is classified as Category 1.
Respiratory sensitizer: No classification for this product.
Skin sensitizer: No classification for this product.
Germ cell mutagenicity: No classification for this product.
Carcinogenicity: No classification for this product.
Reproductive Toxicity: No classification for this product.
Specific target organ toxicity - Single exposure (for contact with leakage from rupture): This product is classified as
Category 1 (respiratory system). This product contains potassium hydroxide (CAS: 1310-58-3) (Data source: (SIDS (2001),