Instructions / Assembly

t .BYHBTTVQQMZDNJOXDLQB
1.Turn off gas supply and get away from gas cylinder and fire pit at once.
3.Call your gas supplier and / or the fire department for help.
t A dented or rusty propane cylinder may be hazardous and should be cleared by your gas supplier prior to use.
t Do not attempt to disconnect gas regulator or any gas fitting while fire pit is in operation.
t The gas pressure regulator provided with fire pit must be used.
t Do not use a propane cylinder with a damaged valve and any other worn out parts.
t Transport and store empty propanecylinders carefully and properly.
t Young children should be carefully supervised when they are in the area of fire pit.
t Clothing or other flammable materials should not be hung from fire pit or placed on or near fire pit.
t DPOTUSVDUFEBOENBSLFEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIF64%FQBSUNFOUPGT ransportation (DOT) Specifications for LP-Gas Cylinders
t provided with a listed overfilling prevention device.
t provided with a cylinder connection device compatible with
the connection for the appliance.
Storage of fire pit indoors is permissible only if the cylinder is disconnected and removed from fire pit. Cylinders must be stored
outdoors in a well-ventilated area out of reach of children. Disconnected cylinders must have threaded valve plugs tightly
installed and must not be stored in a building, garage or any other enclosed area.
Turn OFF control knob and close propane cylinder valve. Turn coupling nut counterclockwise by hand only—do not
use tools to disconnect. Loosen cylinder screw beneath bottom shelf, then lift propane cylinder up and out of shelf.
Place dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever the cylinder is not in use.
The Propane-gas supply cylinder must be disconnected when this appliance is not in use.
Repairs should be done by a qualified service person. Fire pit should be inspected before use and at least annually be a qualified
service person.
More frequent cleaning may be required as necessary. It is imperative that the control compartment, burners, and circulating air
passageways of the appliance are kept clean.
Any guard or other protective device removed for servicing the appliance shall be replaced prior to operating the appliance.
Installation and repair should be done by a qualified service person. The appliance should be inspected before use and at least annually
by a qualified service person. More frequent cleaning may be required as necessary. It is imperative that the control compartment,
burners, and circulating air passageways of the appliance are kept clean.
FOR YOUR SAFETY: Surfaces of fire pit can remain extremely hot for a period after use. Allow 45 minutes to cool down before
touching or moving the fire pit