User's Manual

ALGIZ 10X Users Manual
3. Trouble shooting from A to L
A. Battery Problem
Check Point
The battery does not charge
(Battery Charge indicator
does not light orange.
Make sure that the AC adapter is properly
Make sure that the battery is not too hot or cold.
Allow time for the battery pack to return to room
Make sure that the battery pack is installed
Make sure that the battery terminals are clean.
B. Bluetooth Transmission Problem
Check Point
I cannot connect to another
device with Bluetooth
wireless technology.
Make sure that both devices have activated
Bluetooth feature.
Make sure that the distance between the two
devices are not over 10 meters or that there are
no walls or other obstructions between the
Make sure that the other device is not in
“Hidden” mode.
Make sure that both devices are compatible.
C. Display Problem
Check Point
Nothing appears on the
During operation, the screen may automatically
turn off as a result of power management. Press
any key to see if the screen comes back.
The brightness level might be too low. Increase
brightness by pressing the button.
D. Date/Time Problems
Check Point
The date/time is incorrect.
Correct the date and time via the operating system or
BIOS Setup program.
After you have performed everything as described
above and still have the incorrect date and time every