User's Manual

Settings folder
Pre-installed configuration applications are listed in Table 2-4. Choose Start > Settings to open
Settings folder.
Table 2-4. Configuration applications inside the Settings folder
Bluetooth: Opening Bluetooth applications, setting NAUTIZ X3 to visible mode, and searching
for other Bluetooth devices within range.
Clock & Alarms: Setting the clock of device to the data and time of local residence or if you
are on travel, you can set them to the corresponding area. You can set alarm for specific date and
Home: Customizing the appearance of the Home Screen and displayed information on the
Locks: Setting a password for NAUTIZ X3.
Power: Checking remaining battery power and saving power by setting up the expiry time of
Sounds & Notifications: Selecting sounds for various events and alarms and set how to
alarm for each event.
Connections: Connection applications are contained (see the below).
Personal: Personal applications are contained (see the below).