User's Manual

Note: Turn off wireless connection when not in use to extend battery life.
Bluetooth activation
How to activate Bluetooth
1. Tab Bluetooth bar after tapping Wireless Manager or tap Start > Settings > Connection >
Bluetooth icon.
<Figure 6-1. Bluetooth mode tab >
2. Select Turn on Bluetooth.
3. Tap Yes.
Bluetooth deactivation
How to deactivate Bluetooth
1. Tab Bluetooth bar after tapping Wireless Manager or tap Start > Settings > Connection >
Bluetooth icon.
2. Deselect Turn on Bluetooth
3. Tap Yes.
Searching for Bluetooth devices
- NAUTIZ X3 can receive information from a detected device without connecting to it. But, when
connected, the device connected to NAUTIZ X3 will automatically exchange data with NAUTIZ
X3 if Bluetooth wireless connection is activated.
How to find a Bluetooth device within the range
1. Activate Bluetooth on both devices.
2. Set the Bluetooth devices to detection and connection-enabled mode.
3. Check the distance between the devices is within 10 m (30 ft).
4. Choose Start > Settings > Connection > Bluetooth > Device.
<Figure 6-2 Bluetooth device tab>
5. Tab Add New Device. Then NAUTIZ X3 will begin to search for a new Bluetooth device within
the range.