The Basics
Why is there a little hole in the edge
of my plywood?
Voids are naturally occurring empty spots that
can sometimes be found between the plies of
any plywood. A void does not change the quality
of strength of the plywood but may be visually
unappealing for the project you had in mind. Wood
putty (also called wood patching compound) can
be used to fill voids in your plywood. It’s easy to
use, is sandable, and paintable. Simply follow the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Can Handprint products be used for
outside projects?
Any wood that isn’t pressure-treated or marine grade
isn’t going to last long outdoors without a weather-
protectant sealer. Most projects made from hardwood,
BC pine, CDX pine, OSB, and underlayment can be
used successfully in a protected outdoor space. Avoid
using MDF, pegboard, chalkboard, markerboard, and
tempered hardboard outdoors. These absorb moisture
and expand.
What’s the difference between nominal and
actual dimensions, and how do you know what
the actual dimensions really are?
Nominal dimensions are the sizes wood products
are commonly called, as well as the size of the
wood before it was cut, sanded, planed, surfaced,
etc. The actual measurements are just that – the
ACTUAL measurements of the final size. You can find
a specifications section on almost every retailer’s
website product page that tells details like actual
dimensions, weight, and more.
How do I hide the plies around the edges
of my plywood?
The two most common ways to hide the plies around
the edges are with edge banding or screen molding.
Edge banding is fast, inexpensive, and easy. It’s also
flexible and great for covering curved edges.
Screen molding is a thin strip of wood made in widths
that match the most common thickness of plywood.
The screen molding is tacked along the plywood edge
using small finishing nails. This technique is best suited
for straight exposed edges.
Are plywood Project Panels good for
floors, cabinets, and interior walls?
Yes, these smaller panels are great for a variety of
build, repair, and create projects. These panels are
easier to transport and handle than a 4 x 8 sheet
and generate less waste.
When choosing plywood, underlayment, or OSB
for flooring, consider the size of your project. If it’s
important to have as few joints as possible, choose
4' x 8' sheets instead.
Will the climate affect my wood before
starting my project?
We attempt to minimize the expansion and
contraction caused by temperature and humidity
changes by kiln-drying our wood to stabilize it.
However, the climate in your home may still aect
its behavior. We recommend storing wood wherever
the conditions in your home are most consistent, then
acclimatizing it for a few days in the room it will be
used in before starting your project.