Use and Care Manual

On the other hand, some people intentionally create the “burn” effect, as it can be used to
achieve a number of creative looks. It’s even possible to sand/”burnthrough multiple plies,
expose alternating tones and a truly unique effects, so never be afraid to experiment either.
Finishing Tips
Edge banding: Edge banding is an iron-on strip that covers the plies at the edges of the
plywood. It’s commonly used on plywood furniture projects or any time you wish to achieve a
finished appearance.
Wood edging: Simply gluing, nailing or using a pocket hole jig or biscuit cutter to attach real
wood to the edges of a plywood panel can instantly give any piece a high-end look.
Spackle or joint compound: Use spackle or joint compound to fill any gaps along plywood
edges. Allow to dry, sand smooth, then prime and paint or stain.