User Manual

Parts Needed
• Fuselage/wing assembly
• Rudder
• Hinges
• Tail wheel
• Tail wheel collar
• Tail wheel assembly
Tools and Adhesives Needed
• Drill
• Drill Bits: 3/32 ", 1/16 "
• Hobby knife
• Felt-tipped pen
• Toothpicks (optional)
• Thin CA glue
• Needle-nose pliers
• CA remover/debonder
• Paper towels
• 30-minute epoxy
• Rubbing alcohol
• Mixing stick
• Threadlock Z-42
Step 1. Insert the hinges into the precut slots of the rudder
(do not glue at this time) and install the rudder onto the
vertical stabilizer.
Step 2. Locate the tail wheel assembly. It includes the tail wheel
tiller wire, white nylon bearing, tail wheel, wheel collar, and screw.
Step 3. Hold the tail wheel assembly up to the fuselage/rudder
in a position where it’s flush with the fuselage bottom. Note
where the wire and tail wheel nylon bearing rest in reference to
the fuselage rear and the rudder. Use a felt-tipped pen and mark
the position of the slot where the tail wheel bearing will fit into
the back of the fuselage.
Step 4. The tail wheel’s tiller wire will be installed into the
rudder. Mark the position where the hole is to be drilled into the
leading edge of the rudder for the tail wheel tiller wire.
Step 5. Remove the rudder. Using a 3/32" drill bit, drill into the
exact center of the leading edge of the rudder to accept the tail
wheel guide wire as shown.
Section 8: Installing the Tail Wheel Assembly
and Hinging the Rudder