User Manual

Step 6. Use needle-nose pliers (or equivalent) to bend a
90-degree bend in the tail wheel wire. Remember it should be
at a 90-degree angle to the axle of the tail wheel wire. A Zona
keyhole saw and Dremel moto-tool can be used to open a slot
at the rear of the fuselage for the nylon tailwheel bearing.
Step 7. Trial fit the tail wheel assembly and rudder in place.
Deflect the rudder, making sure the tail wheel assembly turns
freely with the rudder.
Step 8. When you’re satisfied with the fit, remove the tail wheel
assembly and rudder from the fuselage. Reinstall the hinges in
the rudder using T-pins to make sure the hinges are centered as
described in Section 1.
Step 9. Mix approximately 1/4 ounce of 30-minute epoxy and
apply it both to the nylon bearing where it goes into the fuselage
and into the hole in the rudder. With the hinges in place,
reassemble the tail wheel assembly and rudder.
Hint: A toothpick applicator may be helpful in getting
the epoxy into the hole.
Step 10. Make sure the rudder is aligned properly (up and
down) to the fuselage and rudder. Wipe away any excess epoxy
with a paper towel and rubbing alcohol. Allow the epoxy to cure
completely before proceeding.
Step 11. With the rudder and tail wheel assembly installed,
apply thin CA to the rudder hinges on both sides, using the
same techniques outlined in Section 2. Be sure to remove the
T-pins before applying the CA. There should be a minimal gap
between the rudder and vertical stabilizer.
Step 12. Wipe away any excess CA with CA remover/debonder.
After the hinges are dry, check to make sure they are securely in
place. Try to pull the rudder from the vertical stabilizer. Use care
not to crush the structure.
Step 13. Slide the tail wheel itself onto the tail wheel wire. Next
slide the wheel collar on the wire and tighten the screw in the
wheel collar. Place a drop of threadlock on the screw to secure
the collar in place.
Note: The tail wheel should rotate freely with only a
small amount of side play. Check to be sure the rudder
and tail wheel operate smoothly.