User Instructions

You can swipe, tap or tap and hold on
the area,All the operations above can
be customized
Features of pre-installed applications are defined as below:
Swipe back and forth on the area to return to the previous
menu/go to the next menu,Tap the area to confirm your
selection or enter an interface
On the Album detail page, tap and hold the area to wake up
the deletion function
Touch area
Back key
Volume key
Press this key to increase/reduce the volume
Combination key
Power key & volume -: screen shot
Power key
Press this key to turn ON/OFF the screen
Press and hold this key for 5s to power on
Press and hold this key for 2s to power on
Key interaction
Press this key to return to the previous menu
Press this key on the homepage to wake up
the camera
Press and hold this key to turn
on speech assistant
Double click this key to enable
custom features