User's Manual

Answer with original Reply to sender with original content.
forward Forward message to others
Delete the messagesave in trash box
Pick-up number
Pick-up sender’s number from message.
Dial Ring back to sender.
Firewall Add sender’s number to firewall list.
4.2.3 SIM card
Messages are saved in SIM card.
4.2.4Out box
Press” send box”, you can look over the message under sending, also you can see the
failed message.
Press” drafts”, you can save new messages in draft box.
4.2.6Have sent
You can select ”save sent message”, it will save copy in “have sent”, when you sent
Press “trash”, you can find messages you deleted, you can choose whether delete them
again or remove them to other boxes.
*Select type
Press” select type” to enter, set message center number, save position selection., look
over message quantity and so on.
Press “signature” to write the content, then pitch on automatically adding signature
when sending new message.
Click on” menu” in screen, select “search” to set search.
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