Update Description

Hangzhou Roombanker Technology Co., Ltd A Dusun Company
杭州市大关路 189 万通中 A 8 Floor 8, Building A, Wantong Center
Tel: 86-571-86769027/8 8810480 Hangzhou, China
Website: www.dusuniot. www.dusunremotes.com www.dusunlock.com
For example : 00000001 is the temperature sensor;
00000100 is the accelerometer senseor
00000011 is the temperature & humidity sensor
NoteIf the product is not described in sensor Type without a certain sensor type, there will
be no sensor data in the broadcast package
Data conversion
The sensor data in the broadcast packet need to be converted to obtain the real senor data.
Temperature conversion formula
X is for the temperature data in the broadcast packet.
For example 1 ,Temperature = 0x6E08 * 175.72/65536-46.85 = 28168 * 175.72/65536-46.85 =
Humidity conversion formula
X is for the humidity data in the broadcast packet.
For example 1 ,Humidity = 0x7B34 * 125.0 / 65536 -6.0 = 31540* 125 / 65536 -6 = 54.15%
Air pressure conversion formula
X is for the pressure data in the broadcast packet, and it’s a 6 byte signed data
For example,the X data is 0x 01 AD B0
Acceleror conversion formula
X is for the accelermeter data in the broadcast packet, and it’s a 3x16 bit signed data.
For example 2, The x axis data is 0x003FThe y axis data is 0x004BThe z axis data is 0XF800
1. x axis data= 63/1024=0.0615g
2. y axis data=75/1024=0.0732g
3. z axis data=-2048/1024=-2g