Safety Instructions

When ready to land, point the plane into the wind and keep the wings as level
as possible. Lower the throttle so the plane will descend. When the plane is
ready to touch down, reduce the throttle to zero and add in a little elevator to
flare the nose right before touching down.
After landing on water, slowly taxi back to the shore.
Stop the motor before retrieving the aircraft from the water.
When you notice the power starting to drop, land immediately.
IMPORTANT! Always remove and unplug the battery after every flight. If not, the battery may
slowly discharge and be permanently damaged.
Let the battery cool before recharging.
1. The ESC has a low voltage cutoff which lowers the power to the motor once the battery voltage
gets low. When this happens, you should land immediately, and recharge the battery.
2. If the signal is lost to the aircraft, the throttle will automatically shut down and the motor will
make a beeping sound. If this happens check the batteries in the transmitter and that it is
turned on and working. If the LED turns on and you still don’t have control, you may need to
relink the transmitter to the aircraft.
3. The ESC features a overheat protection circuit which will lower the power until the temperature
comes down. This is usually caused by damaged prop, motor or blocked cooling holes.
4. ESC LED indicator:
o The red light is always on, and the blue light is flashing fast. The transmitter is not
connected. Check the transmitter batteries or relink.
o The red light is always on, the blue light is flashing slowly, the signal between the
transmitter and aircraft is interrupted.
o Blue light steady on, red light steady on indicates full stability mode.
o Blue light steady on, red light flashing indications semi-stability mode.
o The blue light is always on and the red light is off indicating manual mode.
1. In the rare instance the airplane does not respond to the transmitter, you may need to
a. With the prop removed, plug a charged battery into the airplane.
b. With the transmitter off, lower the throttle stick.