User Instructions

Measurements can be made simply and quickly with a calibrated HI764113 and HI98198. The
AutoEnd key can freeze data with a single touch, and the measurement units changed by pressing
the Range key.
Power the opdo
meter with the probe connected. After initialization, the meter enters in measurement
mode. Place the probe in the sample to be measured and allow it to reach thermal equilibrium with
the sample.
Direct measurements of dissolved oxygen (as % saturation or mg/L), temperature and atmospheric
pressure are shown on the opdo meter display.
Range Key
Pressing the RANGE key while in measurement toggles the measurement between a percent
saturation or concentration (mg/L) measurement. The concentration measurement is calculated for
oxygen dissolved in water and is based upon air saturated water. If measuring other fluids (not water),
the mg/L measurements will be in error. In those cases the % saturated reading should be used.
AutoEnd allows the user to display a measurement with a hold function. This is useful when you are
taking a measurement in a location where it might be difficult to write down the measurement.
Pressing AutoEnd will suspend the reading on the display until it is cleared.
To suspend a stable reading on the display press AutoEnd while the meter is in DO measurement.
The “Wait” symbol will blink until the reading is stable.
When the reading is stable “Hold” indicator will be displayed.
Press Continue to resume live readings.
Mode Key
Repetitive presses of the MODE key changes the direct measurement into one of three available
dissolved oxygen applications: BOD, OUR, and SOUR.