User Instructions

Note: “S.C. “ message in the title bar means seed corrected. “not S.C.” message in the title bar
means seed not corrected.
The Correct functional key will be displayed if the BOD result was not seed corrected.
Note: For a seed corrected sample, the last page will show the Seed bottle ID used for correction.
To export to PC
Connect cable to PC and meter while in BOD mode. Meter will display “Connected to Host”.
A CSV file will appear on PC with BOD data.
To export to USB drive
While in BOD mode press RCL. Press More. Place the USB into the meter and press Export key.
A BOD CSV file will be exported to USB drive.
Seed Correction
In case that the BOD was evaluated for a seeded sample and the list of the saved seed BOD values is
not empty, the Correct functional key will be displayed.
Press Correct to view the list of the saved seed BOD values.
Select the desired seed BOD and then press Correct to compute the corrected BOD value. The meter
will display the corrected BOD value.
If the information about the BOD of a certain seed doesn’t exist at the moment of the BOD evaluation
for a seeded sample, the sample’s BOD can be corrected at a later time from the BOD recall menu
(view logged BOD data).
In order to perform a seed correction from the BOD recall, press RCL key from the BOD measurement
screen to enter BOD recall, select the desired BOD record and press More. The meter will display a
complete set of information about the selected record.
Press Correct to view the list of the seed values.
Select the desired seed BOD and then press Correct to compute the corrected BOD value. The new
BOD value will be displayed.
The BOD results with SEED correction will be displayed. Press LOG to save and replace the previous
sample with this bottle ID or press to keep the previous sample BOD with no seed correction.
Clean the probe off thoroughly between samples and continue the evaluation with the next sample.