User's Manual

Using VideoImpression
1. Click [Produce] and then select [disk].
2. Select [Samsung U-CA3/4] from [Video Type].
After setting up Quick Time, select Samsung
3. If you want to replay produced file on a camera,
name the file SMMCxxxx.(xxxx means number
from 0001 to 9999)
4. Click start button, and it is changed to a file
available to U - CA 3/4. (To replay the file on a
camera, save it on DCIM/100SSCAM folder of
the camera.)
For more information, please refer to the Help file in a program.
VideoImpression can be out of order because of inadequate use or program errors
while you are making movie clip. User's carefulness is needed.
All parts of storyboard get united and make movie clips or slide show. You
can save movie clip with various ways and send it through e-mail to your
Way to make MPEG-4 movie clip for SAMSUNG U-CA3/4