User's Guide

Great advice for great SNOO-zing!
Dr. Karp worked with hundreds of families to find the best sound and motion to
quickly calm fussing and boost sleep. Through this research, he developed many
Here are just a few:
Babies can be put down in SNOO asleep…or awake.
It’s fine to lay your baby down awake or asleep. SNOO’s gentle rhythms are a
reminder of the soothing sensations your baby loved in the womb and they actu-
ally help babies learn to self-soothe.
Use SNOO for nights and naps.
The more often you use SNOO, the faster your baby will associate its very
specific sound and rocking with bedtimeand the sooner they will become a
great sleeper!
SNOO mimics the calming rhythms we use when we cradle babies in our arms.
To quickly soothe your baby’s fussing, just boost SNOO’s level. (Simply press
and hold the Activity button for 5 seconds to go to the next levelor use the
Note: SNOO doesn’t calm babies who are hungry, bored, or uncomfortable.
Feeding…helps babies sleep better at night.
Ofering a few more daytime ounces can boost nighttime sleep an extra hour or
more. Consider waking and feeding your baby from naps lasting more than 1.5-2
hours. Some parents find it helps to ofer 2-3 feeds in the early evening…and a
final meal—a dream feed—between 11pm and 1am.