Product manual

Page 11For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797.Item 60693
Mode $02 Displays Freeze Frame Data. Same data
as in mode 1, but it was captured and stored when a
malfunction occurred and a DTC was set. Some of the
PIDs for Mode $01 are not implemented in this mode.
Mode $03 Displays the type of powertrain or emission
related DTCs stored by a 5 digit code identifying the faults.
There may be more than one response message if there are
more trouble codes than will fit in the data bytes of the response
message, or if there are more than one ECU computer responding.
Mode $04 Used to clear DTCs and Freeze Frame
Data. This clears all DTCs that may be set including
freeze frame data and Readiness Monitors.
Mode $05 Oxygen Sensor Test Results. This mode
displays the oxygen sensor monitor screen and the
test results gathered about the oxygen sensor.
There are ten numbers available for diagnostics:
1. $01 Rich-to-Lean O2 sensor threshold voltage.
2. $02 Lean-to-Rich O2 sensor threshold voltage.
3. $03 Low sensor voltage threshold for
switch time measurement.
4. $04 High sensor voltage threshold for
switch time measurement.
5. $05 Rich-to-Lean switch time in ms.
6. $06 Lean-to-Rich switch time in ms.
7. $07 Minimum voltage for test.
8. $08 Maximum voltage for test.
9. $09 Time between voltage transitions in ms
10. $10 Sensor Periods