User manual

Foot switch Conguration Function
3 KMPA Control of eects of the Kemper proling amp
4 AXEF Control of AXE FX eects
A ATOM Control of the ATOMIC amplier eects
B PC-8x [1][4] and [A][D] for sending program change MIDI commands. 8 patches are a
group. 8 dierent patches can be switched.
C CUS-1 Individually programmable conguration
D CUS-2 Individually programmable conguration
You can program and save two individual congurations.
1. Press [4] and [D] simultaneously and keep the buttons pressed.
2. Enable the device by connecting the supplied USB micro cable (type B) to a voltage
The setup for individual congurations is activated. The display shows the sub‐
menus ‘MIDI.CH’ , ‘CUS1’ and ‘CUS2’ .
Programming the conguration