User's Manual

Table Of Contents
17Speech dialogue system
Speech dialogue
w to use the speech
dialogue system
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system
You can operate many infotainment func-
tions conveniently by voice.
Fig. 14 Talk button and right thumbwheel
Important: The ignition and the MMI system
must be switched on ð page 7, you must not
be talking on the phone, and the parking aid
must not be active.
To switch on: Briefly pr
ess the
ð Fig. 14 on the mul
ti-function steering
wheel* and give a spoken command after
the beep signal.
To switch off: Pr
ess and hold the
for sever
al seconds. Or: Say the command
Input help
The system guides you through the input rou-
tine with cues and messages.
Input help messages on screen: After the
speech dialogue system is switched on, the
MMI display will show a selection of possi-
ble commands.
Spoken input help cues: To have the system
play the commands currently possible,
switch on the speech dialogue system and
say Help.
How to help the system understand you
Speak clearly in a normal volume. Speak loud-
er if you are driving fast.
Speak in a normal tone without long pauses.
void speaking when the speech dialogue sys-
tem is saying a cue.
Close doors, windows and sun roof* to reduce
background noise. Make sure that passengers
are not talking when you say a command.
Keep the air outlets of the air distribution sys-
tem pointed away from the microphone,
which is fitted in the vicinity of the front inte-
rior lights in the headliner.
The system should only be operated by the
driver, since the handsfree microphone is di-
rected towards the driver.
Other settings
Press the Setup MMI control button to access
the main menu if you would like to change
other settings, e.g. for the individual speech
training to adapt the system to your voice,
the Command display or the volume of the
navigation cues ð page 31.
Please dir
ect your full attention to the
road at all times! As the driver, you have
full responsibility for the safety of the
vehicle and other road users. For this rea-
son, you should only use the functions in
a manner that allows you to maintain
control of the vehicle in all situations -
accident risk!
The speech dialogue system must not be
used in cases of emergency, since the
voice changes in stressful situations. This
could result in a failed or delayed tele-
phone connection. Always dial emergen-
cy numbers manually!
ou can interrupt a spoken cue from the
speech dialogue system any time by
pressing the
button; you can now en-
ter a new command.
The speech dialogue system can be can-
celled and deactivated by pr
essing any
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