User's Manual

Table Of Contents
21Speech dialogue system
Depending on the selected menu lan-
guage and the countr
y you are in, you
may have to spell destinations to enter
them for route guidance.
You can also switch on the speech dia-
logue system and say a command when
route guidance is active and a navigation
cue is being pla
Navigation cues are not played during a
running dialogue.
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system
Important: The Radio menu must be open
ð page 54.
Function Say:
Selecting a waveband FM | AM | DAB*
Tuning to a station from the sta-
tion list
Station (XY) | Ensemble (XY)
| Station list > Line (XY)
Tuning to a station from the
memory list
Memory list > Line (XY)
Setting the frequency Frequency (XY)
Switching the traffic announce-
ments on/off
Traffic programme on | Traffic programme off
Applies for the DAB* waveband.
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system
Important: The Media must be open
ð page 58.
Function Say:
Selecting a source directly Jukebox | CD | SD card | Audi music inter
face | Bluetooth |
To select an audio/video* file
from the jukebox:
Video | Playlists | Artist | Album | Tracks | Genres | Album
Selecting an audio/video* file
from an iPod® (source: Audi mu-
sic interface)
Video* | Playlists | Artist | Album | Tracks | Podcasts | Genres
| Composers | Audiobooks
Navigating in a structure of fold-
Folder up | Line (XY)
Titel oder Name, Abteilung, Datum