User's Manual

Table Of Contents
52 Navigation
on the map. The map scale varies according to
the length of the r
oute. The map is set to face
Map content
The display of map contents such as traffic in-
formation, favourite destinations or restau-
rants can be switched on and off.
Additional info
Important: The route guidance function must
have been started ð page 48.
Route info: During route guidance, the next
three manoeuvres together with the calcula-
ted distances and arrival times are displayed
ð page 49, Fig. 42. In addition, the str
you are currently on, upcoming turn-offs, traf-
fic information or special destinations on the
current route are displayed. The next upcom-
ing turn-off is shown in the bottom line.
Overview map: The entire route from the ve-
hicle position to the final destination is dis-
played in the additional info.
off: No additional info is shown.
Intersection map
When this option is on, a detail view of the in-
tersection is displayed temporarily in the ad-
ditional info when there is an upcoming turn-
Auto zoom
on: The map scale is selected automatically
according to the category of the road you are
on (motorway, major road, other road). When
there is an upcoming turn-off, the map display
will automatically zoom in for a better view of
the details. This will be indicated in the map's
legend menu
ð page 49, Fig. 42
When route guidance is active
and there are upcoming turn-offs, the map
display will temporarily switch to a more de-
tailed scale so that the road layout can be
identified more easily.
off: The map scale you have set will remain
Petrol station msg
When the fuel gauge is below the reserve
zone, a message will appear when this func-
tion is on. Confirm this message, and a list of
petrol stations in the vicinity will be displayed.
When you select one of the petrol stations,
the route to this station will be calculated
based on the current position of your car.
Speed display
You can switch the display of the maximum
speed limit on motorways, dual carriageways
and other major roads on and off if it is stored
in the navigation data.
Voice guidance
Voice guidance: The navigation cues can be
played in complete or compact form. You can
use the traffic option to have the system play
only those announcements on traffic obstruc-
tions that are relevant for your route. Select
off if you do not want the system to play any
navigation cues.
Navigation cues during call: You can switch
the navigation cues while you are on the
phone on
or off.
Delete favourites
You can delete stored favourites individually
or all at once.
Delete last destinations
The destinations that were last entered are
stored automatically. You can delete them in-
dividually or all at once.
Presentation mode
Use the Presentation mode to plan and dis-
play a route effectively by displaying map con-
tents or route criteria. You can enter your
start location manually (Set start location) if,
for example, you would like to calculate a
route starting from a different position than
the current position of the vehicle. Start the
Presentation mode to simulate a route guid-
Titel oder Name, Abteilung, Datum