User's Manual Part 3

General Notes
System Overview
Your navigation system receives GPS signals from up to 16 sat-
ellites to display the position of your vehicle. Map and database
information is supplied through a hard disk drive. A gyroscope
and the vehicles speed sensor enable the system to display the
present vehicle position even in locations where GPS signals
may be blocked.
When you input a destination, the navigation system uses map
data from the hard disk drive to quickly calculate a route. As you
drive along your chosen route, you are guided with pictorial dis-
plays and voice prompts.
Navigation Software
This navigation radio requires digital data from a Navigation
Database. The data in the Navigation Database is licensed from
Navigation Technologies®. Not all roads are digitized.
Software Updates
Visit website or contact your
DaimlerChrysler Dealership for the latest available software.
Navigation Database
The navigation unit is provided with a navigation database on the
internal hard drive. The database contains data for the Continen-
tal USA, some of the major cities in Canada, Alaska, parts of
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.