User's Manual

2. Say DIAL or CALL followed by the phone number or phone-
book entry you wish to call.
3. The first call will be on hold while the second call is in pro-
gress. To go back to the first call, refer to section “Toggling Be-
tween Calls.”
4. To combine two calls, refer to section “Conference Call.”
Place / Retrieve a Call from Hold
1. To put a call on hold, press the UConnect™ button until
you hear a single beep which will indicate that the call has been
placed on hold.
You may also select Hold Call with the CENTER CONTROL
knob an confirm your selection by pressing the JOYSTICK.
2. To bring the call back from hold, press and hold the Phone
button until you hear a single beep.
Toggle between Calls
If two calls are in progress (one active and one on hold), press
the UConnect™ button until you hear a single beep indi-