User's Manual

Inputting Information
Names (e.g., city names or street names) are entered with a
smart speller.
It is possible to spell only names contained in the database.
Unavailable letters are in a lighter color and are not selectable. If
the desired street name is shown completely select CONTINUE
to proceed. If there are only a few choices left, you may press
the LIST button to display a list of names.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use the space symbol _ as a space be-
tween words (e.g., NEW_YORK_CITY).
Note: Press the DELETE button to delete a misspelled letter or press the
NAV button to go back to the navigation main menu. You can also press
the BACK button on the faceplate to go to the previous screen.
Note: Select ÂÑØ... or @$&... to access special characters, if needed.
Select A->a to switch to uppercase, or a->A to switch to lowercase.
Warning: For your own safety and the safety of others, it is not pos-
sible to use the speller while the vehicle is in motion.