User manual

Button: This button is used to change
the menu selection or setting during some of the
setup procedures for the AVR.
OK Button: This button is used to enter
settings into the AVR’s memory. It is also used in
the setup procedures for delay time, speaker
configuration and channel output level
Digital Select: Press this button to assign
one of the digital inputs
to a source.
(See page 34 for more information on using
digital inputs.)
Numeric Keys: These buttons serve as a
ten-button numeric keypad to enter tuner preset
positions. They are also used to select channel
numbers when TV, VCR or Sat receiver has
been selected on the remote, or to select track
numbers on a CD, DVD or LD player, depending
on how the remote has been programmed.
Tuner Mode: Press this button when the
tuner is in use to select between automatic
tuning and manual tuning. When the button is
pressed so
MANUAL appears in the Main
Information Display
, pressing the Tuning
will move the frequency up or
down in single-step increments. When the FM
band is in use and
AUTO appears in the Main
Information Display
, pressing this button
will change to monaural reception making even
week stations audible. (See page 41 for more
Direct Button: Press this button when the
tuner is in use to start the sequence for direct
entry of a station’s frequency. After pressing the
button simply press the proper Numeric Keys
to select a station (See page 41 for more
information on the tuner).
Tuning Up/Down: When the tuner is in
use, these buttons will tune up or down through
the selected frequency band. If the Tuner Mode
has been pressed or the Band
on the front panel was held pressed
so that
AUTO appears in the Main
Information Display
, pressing either of
the buttons will cause the tuner to seek the next
station with acceptable signal strength for
quality reception. When the
MANUAL appears
in the Main Information Display
pressing these buttons will tune stations in
single-step increments. (See page 41 for more
OSD Button: Press this button to activate
the On Screen Display (OSD) system used to set
up or adjust the AVR’s parameters.
Dolby Mode Selector: This button is
used to select one of the available Dolby
Surround processing modes. Each press of this
button will select one of the Dolby Pro Logic II
modes, Dolby 3 Stereo or Dolby Digital. Note
that the Dolby Digital mode is only available
with a digital input selected and the other
modes only as long as a Dolby Digital source is
not playing (except Pro Logic II with Dolby
Digital 2.0 recordings, see page 35-36). See
page 35 for the available Dolby surround mode
DTS Digital Mode Selector: When a DTS
source is in use the AVR will select the
appropriate mode automatically and no other
mode will be available. Pressing this button will
display the mode currently selected by the AVR´s
decoder, depending on the surround material
played and the speaker setting. When a DTS
source is not in use, this button has no function.
(See page 36 for the available DTS options.)
Logic 7 Selector: Press this button to
select one of the available Logic 7 surround
modes. (See page 36 for the available
Logic 7 options.)
Transport Control Buttons: These
buttons do not have any functions for the AVR,
but they may be programmed for the for-
ward/reverse play operation of a wide variety of
CD or DVD players, and audio or video- cassette
recorders. (See page 43 for more information on
programming the remote.)
Tone Mode : Pressing this button enables
or disables the Balance, Bass and Treble tone
controls. When the button is pressed so that the
TONE IN appear in the Main
Information Display
, the settings of the
Bass and Treble controls and of the Balance
control will affect the output signals, and may be
adjusted with the
. When the
button is pressed so that the words
OUT appear in the Main Information
, the output signal will be "flat",
without any balance, bass or treble alteration.
When pressing this button to make TONE IN or
TONE OUT appear in the Display, switch
between these two options with the Up/Down
Skip Up/Down Buttons: These buttons
do not have a direct function with the AVR, but
when used with a compatibly programmed CD
or DVD player/changer they will change the
tracks on the disc currently being played.
Stereo Mode Selector: Press this button
to select a stereo playback mode. When the
button is pressed so that
OFF appears in the Main Information
, the AVR will operate in a bypass
mode with true fully analog, two-channel
left/right stereo mode with no surround process-
ing or bass management as opposed to other
modes where digital processing is used. When
the button is pressed so that
appears, the stereo signal is routed to all five
speakers, if installed. (See page 20-21 for more
information on stereo playback modes).
DTS Neo:6 Mode Selector: Pressing this
selector button cycles the AVR through the
various DTS Neo:6 modes, which extract a
five-channel surround field from two-channel
program material (from PCM source or analog
input signal). The first press selects the last DTS
Neo:6 surround mode that was in use, and each
subsequent press selects the next mode.
Macro Buttons: Press these buttons to
store or recall a “Macro”, which is a pre-pro-
grammed sequence of commands stored in the
remote. (See page 44 for more information on
storing and recalling macros).
RDS Select Button: Press this button to
display the various messages that are part of the
RDS data system of the AVR’s tuner. (See page
42 for more information on RDS).
Preset Up/Down: When the tuner is in
use, press these buttons to scroll through the
stations programmed into the AVR’s memory.
When CD or DVD is selected using the Input
Selector button
, these buttons may
function as Slow Fwd/Rev (DVD) or ”+10” (CD,
Clear Button: Press this button to clear
incorrect entries when using the remote to
directly enter a radio station’s frequency.
Main Remote Control Functions