User Manual

Table Of Contents
14221-1200-4000, Rev. A
6. Obtain the orange waterproof (HFB type) fuse holder included with the DC Power Cable.
7. Observe and follow the previously presented Battery Ground WARNING!
8. Cut the red wire to the required length for connection to the battery’s positive (+) battery terminal (or
the main DC bus bar or stud).
9. Prepare to splice the waterproof fuse holder into the red wire by cutting it again, at approximately
three (3) to six (6) inches from the end.
12. Strip all three (3) wire ends back approximately -inch each, place a fuse holder shell on each wire,
and securely crimp a fuse holder terminal to each wire end. Before crimping, verify fuse holder shells
are oriented in the correct directions (i.e., with each large end towards the wire end). If necessary, a
small amount of cable soap may be used to help slip the wire through the small end of the fuse
holder’s insulator.
10. Label this fuse holder and red wire appropriately (e.g., “XG-100M Radio Main Power: 20-AMP
11. Do NOT install a fuse into the fuse holder at this time.
13. Crimp an appropriate electrical terminal to the short red wire. A corrosion-resistant -inch ring
terminal is included with the cable for this purpose, but another size corrosion-resistant terminal type
(not supplied) may be used if required.
12. Connect the ring terminal directly to the battery’s positive post (or if present, to a stud on the battery’s
main/non-switched power distribution terminal block).
Most Unity XG-100M radio installations have one or more control heads connected to the
radio. In an installation of this type, the white wire of the radio’s DC Power Cable
requires no electrical connection. Rather than be cut from the cable, it is recommended
that it be routed up to the vehicle’s fuse box, coiled, labeled, and stowed for possible
future use. The white wire of the control head’s
DC Power Cable is the radio
installation’s ignition sense input for on/off power control of both the control head and
radio. Radio on/off power control is accomplished by the control head. The control head
“wakes-up” the radio via data activity on the CAN link.
The remote-mount Unity XG-100M mobile radio must be connected to a control head to provide the
operator-to-radio interface. Three (3) different control heads are availableThe CH-100 control head,
and the CH-721 Scan and System model control heads. See Figure 8-3 through Figure 8-6 respectively. A
control head is interfaced to the radio via a CAN cable. Each head is separately fused and powered by an
individual DC power cable.
8.3.1 General Information on the CH-100 Control Head
The CH-100 features a 4.3-inch touchscreen sunlight-readable LCD color display, providing an easy-to-
use menu-driven operator interface. This head also features a Bluetooth wireless interface for connection
of optional equipment and to support radio and control head programming via a wireless connection. The
front panel of the CH-100 head also features an easy-to-use on/off/volume control and group/channel
selection controls, an emergency button, a home button, a USB programming port, and a microphone
The CH-100 control head’s mounting bracket allows pitch-axis (tilt) positioning for best viewing angle.
Pitch adjustments are accomplished by loosening thumbscrews on each side of the bracket, changing the