User Manual

Table Of Contents
14221-1200-4000, Rev. A
Table 11-1: Option Cable CA-012349-001 Interconnections
44-PIN I/O
24 HORNRING P4 pin 18
In a front-
mount radio installation, this pin for the siren/PA
interface is the horn/ring logic input to the radio’s
mounted (local) control head. When a connected third-
party siren and light system (e.g., Federal Signal
SmartSiren SS2000) has its horn/rin
g function active, this
input is used to signal the head/radio as such. Connects
to SS2000’s DB-9 pin 8. For a remote-
mount radio
installation, see footnote
23 SONOFF P4 pin 19
In a front-
mount radio installation, this pin for the siren/PA
interface is the siren on/off logic output (open-
from the radio’s mounted (local) control head
. It is the
signal that powers the connected third-
party siren and
light system (e.g., Federal Signal SmartSiren SS2000) on
and off. Connects to SS2000’s DB-9 pin 4. For a remote-
mount radio installation, see footnote
18 INP1 P4 pin 21
Digital Input 1. Active = Ground. Inactive = Open.
P4 pin 1 for ground.
onfigure via the “Auxiliary Input 1” in Radio Personality
Manager’s (RPM’s) External I/O dialog Box.
2 OUT1 P4 pin 22
Digital Output 1 (open-collector, 100 mA / 17 V maxi-
mum). An external pull-up resistor is
needed if required
by the external device’s input during the high/off state.
Use P4 pin 1 for ground.
Configure via the “External Output
Control Line 1” in
Radio Personality Manager’s (RPM’s) External I/O dialog
29 TXENB+ P4 pin 23
Transmit Enable B+ Output (open-
collector). Active/Radio
Transmitting = Ground. Inactive/Not Transmitting = Open
(not normally used).
27 EXTMIC P4 pin 24
External/Auxiliary Mic Audio Input. Fixed-
level audio input
(i.e., input gain is
not adjustable). Approximately
120 mV rms gives full-
rated deviation. Use P4 pin 17 for
28 SWA+ P4 pin 25 Switched A+ DC Power Output (not normally used).
32 GPS_NMEA_RX P5 pin 2
NMEA-Formatted GPS Receiver Position Data
Data Output.
31 GPS_NMEA_TX P5 pin 3
NMEA-Formatted GPS
Receiver Module Initialization
Data Serial Data Input.
7 GND P5 pin 5
Ground for GPS Serial Data Signals
(fused on radio’s PK
11 IGNITION Yellow Wire Unused/Spare ignition sense input.
3344 (no connections)
These twelve pins of P1 are not used/not connected
when Option Cable CA-012349-001 is connected.