User Manual

65a 65a T/R: 156.275 T/R: 156.275 US: Port Operations
Canada: Search and rescue and
antipollution operations on the Great
Lakes. Towing on the Pacific Coast.
Port operations only in the
St. Lawrence River areas with 1 watt
maximum power. Intership in inland
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and
Alberta areas.
66 T: 156.325
R: 160.925
T: 160.925
R: 156.325
International: Public
Correspondence, Port Operations
66a 66a T/R: 156.325 T/R: 156.325 US: Port Operations
Canada: Port operations only in the
St. Lawrence River/Great Lakes
areas with 1 watt maximum power.
1 watt marina channel - British
Columbia coast area.
Table 2. Marine Frequencies (Continued)
Channel Frequency
Channel Usage
US Intl CA Ship (MHz) Shore (MHz)