Installation Instructions

administers connection and disconnection of channel
functions to and from channel equipment.
MBLOADF The Mobile Telephony Base Station Device Program
Function Change Loading function block handles
function change loading.
MBLOADM The Mobile Telephony Base Station Device Program
Maintenance Loading function block is a command
function for the administration of maintenance
MBLOADS The Mobile Telephony Base Station Device Program
Data Store Loading function block handles the
loading of program files into the data store in the
central processor and the administration of these files.
MBMFL The Mobile Telephony Base Station Hardwa
Malfunction function block records a detected fault
in a base station device hardware in the base station
device hardware malfunction log.
MBSTA The Mobile Telephony Base Station Self-Test
Administration function block administers self-test
of the base station devices.
MBTRAN The Mobile Telephony Base Station Translation
function block handles the administration of the
base station function cod
es (MB-codes), input and
output handling of Channel Equipment and Channel
Equipment Type (CETY), and the exchange data
access control.
MBTXA The Mobile Telephony Base Station Transmitter
Control Administration function block administers
the functionali
ty for switching the transmitter of a
transceiver device ON or OFF. Base Station Fu
nction Blocks
Base Station function blocks for the RBS 884 Pico system are:
MBCEQ The Mobile Telephony Base Station Channel
Equipment fu
nction block is the coordinator of
the channel equipment and holds the reference
to the connected channel function blocks in the
m MTS and the connections between
1532-AE/LZB 119 3834 Uae Rev PA4 2001-04-04 5-11