Operator's Manual

Table Of Contents
Display Panel Functions—CHAPTER 4
Software Version OTP 5.07 M-803 Operator Manual 47
4.) Use the Left and Right buttons to cycle through
the list of candidates, if any, until the user group
you want to Unlock appears onscreen.
5.) Press the Select button to activate the fail-safe
Confirmation process.
6.) Use the Left or Right button to cycle through the
confirmation options: Confirm?Y to lock out the
group; Confirm?N to remove a lock.
7.) Press the Select button to confirm your choice.
Your selected Dwell Display will appear as soon as the
M-803 accepts your Unlock choice.
Figure 18 Lock Out Menu
Sample Screen
Component Explanation
Menu Option .......
As you scroll through the user groups
in your active profile, notice they
only appear in the Lock Menu if you
Active Menu: Lockout Talkgroup
Menu Option: User Groups from active
rofile that have called
ou this session.