Operator's Manual

Table Of Contents
Advanced Radio Operations—CHAPTER 6
Software Version OTP 5.07 M-803 Operator Manual 67
Ø How to Re-Provision for an
1.) “Punch In” your User ID when directed by the
Network Administrator.
2.) Re-registration will default to Dynamically-
Regrouped Emergency Profile.
Talkaround Mode
In the absence of a nearby Base Station, in deep woods
or valleys, or in other weak coverage areas, it is
possible to work “off-network” by selecting
Talkaround Mode and placing radio-to-radio calls in
conventional FM or Project 25 Digital Common Air
Interface modes.
VTac Vehicular Tactical Network
Also useful for supporting a local tactical operation,
Talkaround is a digital air link protocol that allows
unit-to-unit communication without talk paths to the
base site and switching center.
Ø How to Place Talkaround Calls
1.) Use the Up and Down buttons to cycle through
the Menu choices until Talk Menu appears.
2.) Use the Left and Right buttons to cycle through
the Talkaround Menu options established by your
Network Administrator.
3.) Press the Select button to lock in your choice.
Your selected Dwell Display will appear as soon as the
M-803 accepts your choice.