User's Manual

Display Panel Functions – Chapter 4
P800 User’s Manual 48
Change Mode
You’ll use this mode to change the type or revision
number of the software it runs. The most appropriate
software for your use is automatically loaded with your
other configuration specs whenever you turn on your
radio. To see what software you’re running currently,
use the Menu buttons to scroll to the “view-only”
Mode menu display.
If you need to run software other than what the Mode
menu shows, continue to scroll to the Change Mode
menu (screen display: SEL2CNG). Once you’re in the
Change Mode, use the left-panel Selector buttons to
scroll through the list of available alternative software
A detailed procedure for changing the mode of your
radio can be found in Chapter 6.
Figure 7
Change Mode Menu
Component Explanation
“Select to .................
Change” Mode
This is the menu heading
you’ll select to launch your
radio into the Mode Change
menu sequence.
From here, you’ll use the left-
panel Selector buttons to
choose another software
“Select to