Installation Instructions Part 2

the personality for the P
300M radio. The radio personality
is a computer file that defines all the operating parameters for the
radio. For more information on programming the P
radio, see the On-Line Help provided with Conventional
ProGrammer (TQ-3389 R9A or later) or ProGrammer (TQ-3385
R9A or later). Typically, the radio is programmed before it is
installed in a vehicle.
The P
300M Mobile Radio is installed as a front mount
radio. The location of the mount, the application, and the options to
be installed should be considered when planning the cable runs. The
cable diagram in Figure 1 should be referenced throughout the
installation process.
Power Cable
The power cable RPM 113 7674/10 consists of a two-wire cable, see
Figure 6. The red fused lead supplies power to the radio directly
from the vehicle battery. Ignition Sense lead, through the separate
option cable, is used by the radio electronics to determine when the
ignition switch is turned on. The black lead is the radio ground
To install the power cable:
1. Remove the fuse from the power cable.
2. When the power cable is wired directly to the vehicle’s battery, it
is necessary to route the red power lead through the vehicle’s
firewall. If an existing hole is not conveniently located in the
firewall, drill a 1/2-inch hole in the firewall for the cable run and
insert a rubber grommet. This grommet is required to prevent
lead chaffing. Additional grommets may be required if the leads
must pass through shields or guards in the engine compartment.