User Manual

Table 1 - Wire Line Installation Methods
1 Single metallic pair (the
control currents are simplexed
to line, a two wire cable is
a. Connect the metallic pair to TB101-3
and -4.
b. Jumper P105-1 to P105-2, and P104-
1 to P104-2 on the Interface Board.
Economical: Dependable where earth ground
currents may be large or good earth grounds cannot
be obtained. The keying clicks will be heard on
parallel remotes.
2 Single metallic pair (the
control currents are simplexed
line to earth ground, a two wire
cable is required).
a. Connect the metallic pair to TB101-3
and -4.
b. Jumper P105-1 to P105-2 to P104-1
on the Interface Board and connect
TB101-6 to earth ground.
Economical: Minimizes keying clicks in paralleled
remotes but large ground currents may result in
interference with control function if located near
3 One voice grade circuit for bi-
directional audio and the other
a metallic pair of control
a. Connect audio pair to TB101-3 and
b. Remove jumpers from P104 and
P105 on Interface Board.
c. Connect control metallic pair to
TB101-1 and -6 on Interface Board.
Provides excellent performance by eliminating
keying clicks and providing no path for ground
loop current, but requires two pair.
4 Single metallic pair for
transmit audio and control
Currents. Single voice grade
circuit for receive audio. A
four wire line is required.
a. Connect the transmit metallic pair to
TB101-2 and -5 on Interface Board.
b. Connect a jumper from P104-3 to
P104-2, and P105-3 to P105-2.
c. Connect the remote receive pair to
TB101-3 and -4
Provides full duplex operation in which the remote
can operate in receive and transmit simultaneously.
But, requires two pair.
Figure 7 - Typical E & M Signaling Application