Use and Care Manual

Press “Start Custom” to begin your
custom batch. You will then be
reminded to “Please close drain
valve. The word “Freezing…” will be
displayed on the touch screen.
The Best Preservation Method:
Freeze-dried foods are more stable
than dehydrated foods because of the
very low temperature environment
of the drying process (freeze drying).
Freeze-dried foods do not need the
sugars or salts used in the bottling
and canning processes. They have
an extremely long shelf life, up to
25 years, when packaged properly.
It is ideal to promptly seal freeze-
dried food in sturdy containers
such as cans, canning jars, or Mylar
pouches. It is important to include an
appropriate oxygen absorber.
Freeze-dried foods retain up to 98%
of their nutrients because the water
in the food is sublimated out (ice to
water vapor) at temperatures below
the freezing point of water. Your
freeze dryer removes the water,
not the nutritional value. It also
maintains the shape and appearance
of the food. Other preservation
methods destroy essential vitamins
and minerals found in natural
foods and dramatically change the
appearance of the food.
Easy to Do
Just press start! Our one button
process makes freeze-drying easy.
The display on the front of the
machine shows what process the
food is experiencing: freezing, drying
and heating (very low temperature
heating, just enough to remove the
water vapor under vacuum pressure).
At the end, the process will provide
an audible signal that the freeze
drying is complete and you can then
remove your food.
Food Tastes Great
Children and adults love freeze-dried
foods. Freeze drying preserves the
freshness, color, and taste. Other
methods for preserving food distort
color and avor of foods, but freeze
drying does just the opposite. Make
healthy snacks and meals the whole
family will love.
Cut Down On Waste
The average family throws away
approximately $2,000 of food each
year. Your Harvest Right Home Freeze
Dryer enables you to preserve your
food for later use. Food that was once
thrown away can be easily prepared,
freeze dried and packaged for later
use. You don’t have to eat leftovers
until gone or they spoil in the
refrigerator. Just freeze dry them and
eat them when you would like. The
following are quotes of what research
has determined with regards to food
waste in The United States:
Approximately 40 percent of food in
the U.S. is wasted, as about $165 billion
in uneaten food is thrown out every
year...That’s a 50 percent jump since
the 1970’s.” (National Defense Council)
“Not only is it a waste of energy and
water and land, but it’s a tragedy in