User's Manual

Adding Notification Accounts
Notification Accounts are used to determine where the Alerts and Notifications are sent to. For
example, when you setup an Alert you will choose the Notification Accounts that will receive
those alerts. To add a new Notification Account simply type the name of the account such as,
Bob’s Cell Phone, select the notification type (either Email or Text Message) and then enter the
Email address or cell phone number (when entering a cell phone number you will need to select
the cell phone carrier as well). When entering in a cell phone number do not use a 1 before the
number or any dashes. Simply type the 10 digit phone number. When entering in an E-mail
address, type the full E-mail address.
Click Add when you are done with the first account and then repeat these steps to add more
accounts. You will now be able to select these accounts in the Device Management / Alerts and
Notifications page when configuring your Alerts.
Note: If a user has both a cell phone and E-mail that you wish to enter you will need to create a
separate account for each (i.e. Bob’s Cell Phone and Bob’s E-mail)