User's Manual

Once you locate the Cell Link application on your cell phone
press ‘Select’ to run the program.
During the initial boot up, Cell Link will establish a connection
with your HomeRemote Gateway to retrieve any changes in
your home layout.
Note: You may incur charges for Internet Access from your
cellular carrier if you currently do not have a data plan on your
cell phone service.
When the application loads you will see your Room layout on
the left navigation bar. Use your keypad to scroll up and down
through your Rooms, Scenes and Cameras. As you go over
each Room with your cell phone the list of devices in each
Room will appear on the right.
To select these devices simply push the right arrow key on your
cell phone to navigate through your devices.
When scrolling through your devices, push the Select button on
your phone to access the specific device. This will load the
screen to adjust the setting on your device.
For example, the “Big Lamp” in the phone to the left can be
adjusted using the up and down arrow pads to change the light
dim level from OFF to 50% to ON. When the setting has been
set, push the Select button to confirm and the Cell Link service
will execute the command.
13.7.1 - Viewing Cameras using Cell Link
If you have a HomeRemote Video Camera setup on your system
you will be able to view live video from your cell phone.
Navigate using your arrow keys to find the Cameras selection or
locate your camera under the Room you have it installed in. Use
the arrow keys on your phone to go to the devices menu (by
pushing right) and select the camera you wish to view
The Cell Link application will create a secure connection to your
camera and begin feeding live video from your camera. You