PC Card Reference Guide

DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 17
Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands—Continued
AT Command Description See Page
ATS2=n Escape Character 36
ATS3=n Carriage Return Character 36
ATS4=n Line Feed Character 36
ATS5=n Back Space Character 37
ATSn? Value of S-Register n 26
ATVn Result Code Format 37
ATWn Connect Message Control 37
ATXn Extended Results Code 38
ATZn Restart Diva 47
AT!C1=n *ISDN Switch Type (Primary) 29
AT!C11=n *ISDN Switch Type (Alternate) 29
AT!C2=n *AutoSPID Storage Location 30
AT!C4=n *Enable/Disable Primary Non-
initializing mode
AT!C41=n *Enable/Disable Alternate Non-
initializing mode
AT!C5=n *Enable/Disable Primary Non-
initializing mode for second B-