PC Card Reference Guide

DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 44
V120 Configuration Commands—Continued
Command Description
AT!E6=n V.120 T203 (Link Integrity Timer): Applicable to the
multiframe mode only. T203 (Link Integrity Timer) is
the maximum time allowed without frames (including
data and control) being exchanged. Its purpose is to
verify that the remote device is still online and
operational. When the Link Integrity Timer expires,
recovery procedures are started which may cause the
disconnection of the current call.
The unit of measurement is seconds. Valid range is 1-
255. Default: 30.
The value specified for T200 (Retransmission Timer)
must be less than the value specified for T203 (Link
Integrity Timer). Otherwise, the default values are
AT!E7=n V.120 Idle Timer (AT!E7=n): Idle Timer refers to the
maximum time without the exchange of data frames
between the local and the remote devices and before
the automatic termination of the connection. Its
purpose is to reduce communications costs while data
is not being transferred for a period of time (operates in
both the multiframe and unacknowledgement modes).
When Idle Timer expires, this immediately initiates the
disconnection of calls. Setting a “0” value disables Idle
The unit of measurement is minutes. Valid range is 0-
Default: 1440 (24 hours)