User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Click on the "Registration Program" option to enter the registration code
registration interface, registration needs to be online registration.
After entering the corresponding registration code registration, the
registration will pop up successfully.
3. After successful registration, enter the screen routine settings
interface settings, as shown below:
In the general settings can be set host mode, screen connection password, single screen
rotation angle, multi-screen window, synchronous settings, anti-mirror, screen cast function.
moderator model
When the screen transmitter is successfully connected to the whole machine, a circular green
button will appear in the upper left corner, and the number displayed represents the number
of screens connected to the whole machine. Click expand display host mode, repeatedly click
on the device in the screen down screen or click on the connected device to start the screen,
as shown below:
In the process of screen transmission, check lock, other users' computer screen will not be
able to preempt the screen of the user screen.
Password Settings