Operation Manual

3. Create an account login, you need an Access code to complete it. For how to get this code, please refer to the previous page.
Note: want a member login? Then save your registered ‘Email address’ and ‘Password’.
4. You will able to take advatage of the various additional features and services oered by the Frontier Internet Radio Portal.
5. After the above setting is done, in order to have your radio access your new settings, you need to turn your radio power o for several
6. How to play ‘My favourites’? There are two steps:
a. Press MENU < Station list >< My favourites >, press SELECT to conrm.
b. Turn SELECT to your favorite option, and then press SELECT to load…
Note: Your added ‘my favourites’ stations will show up in the ‘my favourites’ subdirectory. Doing a ‘factory reset’ cannot erase them.