User's Manual

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Stereo Positioning
For optimizing the stereo listening position, place the two speakers so that they form an
equilateral triangle with your listening position. Your listening position should be on an
imaginary center point between the two speakers. Adjust the distance of the speakers and
the distance of our listening position accordingly to nd the best position. Listen to some
good known records while adjusting, until you get an authentic stereo panorama.
Surround Positioning
For a surround listening setup, place the speakers in a circle around your listening position
in following angles: Center 0°, Front Right 30°, Rear Right 110°, Rear Left 250° and Front
Left 330°. Radius of the circle should be between 0.7m - 2m. Surrounding walls should be
at least 40cm away from every speaker to avoid early reections. It is preferrable to use
the same type of speaker for every channel (except the subwoofer, of course), because
otherwise negative frequency and/or phase coloration can occur. Refer to the ITU
recommendation BS.2159-4 for a detailed explanation.