Quick Installation Guide

Quick Installation Guide
Page 49 of 73
The beam-forming software assumes, that the receive antennas are numbered from 1 to
16 as displayed. So a person standing in front of the receive antenna array with the
seaside to the left, will be closest to receive antenna 1.
The angle of true north is the angle covered by rotating clockwise from geographical north
to the line of the receive antenna array. The angle must be measured up to the left hand
side of the antenna line when counting from the first to the last receive antenna, see
sketch above.
7.1.9 Latitude & Longitude
Please enter the Latitude in degrees [0...90°] and minutes into corresponding fields and
select “N” for the northern, or “S” for the southern hemisphere.
Please enter the Longitude in degrees [0...180°] and minutes into the corresponding fields
and select “E” for the eastern, or “W” for the western half of the earth, regarding
Greenwich in England.
These coordinates should reflect the position of receive antenna 1, as the software
normally uses this position as starting point for the beam-forming.
These coordinates will be saved in the header of all data files and will be used to identify
the station. So these coordinates need to match the settings in the configuration file
/home/wera/etc/params.cfg to enable post-processing.
7.1.10 Time code + Cont. Acq. Start Time
The Time Code field has got the following options:
- UTC Refer WERA cycles and data file names to UTC (strongly recommended)
- LOC Refer WERA cycles and data file names to Local Time
This information is stored in the header of all data files for evaluation.
If the wrong time code is stored, then all post-processing steps will assume a wrong
measurement time.
By default the operating system of the UPC is configured to use UTC. So this should be
selected here. If the system time of the UPC is changed to local time, then this WeraDesk
parameter should also be changed to local time (LOC).
The Cont. Acqu. Start Time field has got the following options:
- 00 Start continuous measurement cycles with an offset of 00 minutes to a full hour
- nn Start continuous measurement cycles with an offset of nn minutes to a full hour
- 59 Start continuous measurement cycles with an offset of 59 minutes to a full hour
By setting multiple WERAs to a different Cont. Acqu. Start Time, they can be operate in
different time slots to avoid one WERA to interfere with another WERA. To set up a timing
scheme, also take a look at Cycle Repetition Time and Data Acquisition Time.
If the Cont. Acqu. Start Time is set to 59 and the cycle repetition time is set to 10 minutes,
then measurements are started at these minutes: 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59.