Quick Installation Guide

Quick Installation Guide
Page 64 of 73
temperature in one of the racks exceeds the user defined limit, the system will
automatically be switched off as a self protection mechanism against overheating. The
system will be switched back on the next system check cycle, if the temperature has
dropped at least 5°C below the limit again.
So please choose your temperature limit depending on the external conditions. You
can choose between 40 and 50 degrees celsius in five degree steps. In a well
tempered air conditioned room a setting of 40 to 45 degrees should be OK.
Note that the temperature sensors off these racks are supplied with +5V from the PSR,
so temperatures can even be read out while the racks are switched off.
Optionally the “keep alive racks” and “keep alive RTU” may be selected and executed
together with the automatic system check.
If “keep alive racks” is selected, the software may automatically switch off and back on
a rack, if the measured supply voltages for this rack all seem to be wrong, and if the
software thinks this rack should be switched on now. This option should only be used,
if a rack seems to have been switched off for an unknown reason. Normally it is not
needed. It may even cause problems if somebody is troubleshooting the hardware, or
if the software got false readings.
If “keep alive RTU” is selected, the software will try to ping the RTU if the FCR should
be switched on. If the ping fails three times, the software will automatically switch off
and back on the FCR to reset the RTU. Normally this should not be needed due to the
hardware watchdog of the RTU, but it should be safe to keep this option selected, and
may help to loose data files.
Since version 3.27 the available hardware versions of the FCR and RER need to be
The different hardware versions got different internal supply voltages.
If the wrong hardware is selected, wrong warnings will be generated.
Note that WERA II RER contain up to 8 receiver modules, while WERA IV RER
contain up to 12 receive channels. The software is currently configured to support up
to 16 receive channels. So if a WERA IV RER is available, it is assumed that there is
only one RER.